The Flu Vaccine: Why It's Still Important

Influenza, or the Flu, is a highly contagious disease which has been around for many years. Anyone can catch it, and, in some cases, it can be life threatening.

In 2019, Australia experienced its worst Flu season on record, with more than 310 000 infected people seeking medical care. Flu cases have lowered since then but influenza continues to cause hospitalisations, GP visits and death each year. While behaviours such as hand washing and social distancing helped to stop the spread of the Flu in 2020, relaxed measures may see Flu viruses recirculating this year.

COVID-19 Vaccination: Your Questions Answered

The COVID-19 vaccination rollout is happening! That brings a sense of protection and peace of mind for many people, particularly those who are most vulnerable to this disease due to age, underlying medical conditions or working on the frontlines.

Vaccinating the whole country is a huge task that will take many months. Here’s everything you need to know about when and where you can have your jab.

Skin Cancer Screening: What to Expect in Your Consult

The days are getting hotter so we’re reminding you to look after your skin. That involves following Sun Smart advice to slip on clothing, slop on sunscreen, slap on a hat, seek shade and slip on sunnies.

One of the most important things you can do is to see your GP for an annual skin cancer check. While you should check your own skin regularly, your doctors are trained to look for skin abnormalities using certain tools and lenses to improve our vision.

COVID-19 and Self-Quarantine

Shifting your mindset is always hard. Right now, during ‘Cold and Flu’ season, we all have to shift our mindset from ‘It’s just a cold’ to ‘I need to get a COVID test and stay home until I am well’.

Symptoms of COVID-19 include fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, and fatigue. As you can see, these are very similar to the symptoms of a Common Cold or Influenza. Without a test, there’s no way to know which illness you have, and the implications for you and your community.

Getting Tested for COVID-19: Everything You Need to Know

Welcome to the cold and flu season. This year, if you have a cough, a sniffle, a sore throat, a fever or any other symptoms of COVID-19, then you need to be tested.

It’s most likely that you’re just suffering from a common cold – but there’s no way to be sure it’s not COVID-19 without a test. Testing is offered at many locations across Queensland and results are usually available within a few days.

Need to See Your GP? Here's How We're Doing Things Now...

As General Practitioners, we deal with the full range of health needs in our local community. We know that some of you are dealing with chronic conditions like anxiety, asthma or diabetes, others have been up all night with a sick child, a few of you have recently discovered a worrying lump, and some of you simply need a repeat prescription.

In the days before COVID-19, every one of you would simply have booked an appointment and come in to see your doctor. What happens now, though?

5 Reasons You're Always Tired

Are you tired all the time? It’s worth trying to find out why.

Often, persistent tiredness stems back to your lifestyle. Maybe you’re not getting enough nutrition from your diet. Maybe you feel lethargic because you’re not physically active enough. Maybe your sleep is poor because your sleep habits need more improvement.

COVID-19: Why You Shouldn't Be Complacent

We’re aware of the obvious impacts of COVID-19, such as closed schools, empty restaurants and seriously ill people. Social distancing measures are very important to help slow the spread of COVID-19. We certainly want you to stay at home as much as possible. But it is necessary to keep getting your regular healthcare, of which some of this can now be done through telehealth services.

Maintain Your Health: During COVID-19

We’re aware of the obvious impacts of COVID-19, such as closed schools, empty restaurants and seriously ill people. Social distancing measures are very important to help slow the spread of COVID-19. We certainly want you to stay at home as much as possible. But it is necessary to keep getting your regular healthcare, of which some of this can now be done through telehealth services.